Sunday, November 29, 2009

16 weeks

16 Weeks

I never really did a great job with baby bump pictures when I was pregnant with Nate and Ben. I am not promising to do a great job this time either. But since we live far away from most of our family and friends, I will make an exception for this baby. I seem to have a way of looking really swollen and unbecoming by the eighth month, so if these drop off it is due to vanity hehehe. Let's just say I am not one of the adorable preggers woman that looks like they are not pregnant from the back :)
I thought for baby number three it would be very appropriate to take the bump pictures as Disneyland since this is where baby nickell #3 has spent much of his life thus far.


  1. Yea!! You look so cute :) and what a fun idea to take your pictures at Disney! When do y'all find out the sex or do you already know???

  2. you look beautiful mama! can't wait to see you in january!
